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Monday, September 5, 2016

This post is for Nellie and Clinton

Dear Nellie and Clinton,

The sewing machines are on their way to you and I will be there a few days later.  Can't wait to see you!

I have asked your mommy NOT to open the boxes before I get there.  I need to put them back together.  But mostly I want to be there to see you when we open them.  I will really enjoy that.

We can sew some tote bags on your new sewing machines if you want to.  So please look at these fabrics and pick out two that you like.  (Your mom and dad can pick some out if they want to make tote bags too).

Surf boards!  You know why I picked this one!

No. 9 is kind of hard to see in this photo, but is is rows of cars.

I will cut the fabrics that you like and get them all ready so we can sew them into tote bags while I am visiting you.

see you soon!
