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Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Total Chaos in a new location


It's going to be quite a while before anything interesting or useful comes out of DragonPoodle Studio, or the adjacent DragonPoodle Workroom.

I love my "new" (circa 1971) house and the studio and workroom are going to be AWESOME.  Hopefully it will be sometime in 2021, and not 2022, when full awesomeness is achieved.

There are two rooms on the lower level of the house, both 13' x 25'.  One is completely finished and will be the studio.  The other one is partially finished and will be the workroom.  But they both have FLOORS.  Actual floors that are level and have vinyl tiles on them.  Not funky painted concrete that is NOT level and on which ones wheeled chairs tend to drift. 

I moved in two weeks ago but my chair lift just got moved over here and installed yesterday.  So now I can ride up and down and actually get down there whenever I want to.  I'm still unpacking the living spaces upstairs and that has to be my main focus until it's finished.  But I have started slowly moving things into place downstairs too.


There is also a little room with a window labeled "walk in closet" on the floor plan that is clearly meant to be a powder room and may become one some day.

(These photos were taken the one time I went down there before the chair lift was installed.)

  It's going to take quite a while.


  1. Yikes. Moving is such a mess! Glad that things are looking good for you, though. If we lived closer, I'd send over my daughter - she's a whizz when it comes to getting things into shape after moving!!

  2. We moved into this house in July 2019 and have just finished a giant kitchen renovation. (trying to get it all put back together when too many things are still in boxes since the move) There is a huge unfinished area of the basement at this house that has cement floor that has been painted, and also painted white walls and also ceiling tile and very bright well-lit lights. I love it for my sewing area as it is cool in the summer, warm in the winter, and there is cement floor upon which to actually find dropped pins and needles. Congratulations on your new house! It is going to be awesome. Cannot wait to see more vintage stuff and I wish you lived closer....I'm in cincinnati... are you closer now? Becky Schneider (becky@fuse.net)

  3. Awwww I was thinking about you. I am so happy the move is "over" and winter is a great time to get tidied up.
    Is this a split level house? is that why the basement or lower level has the windows?
    Just to make you feel better, this is not a huge pile of stuff. this is moderately organized and I think you can sift through and find what you need.
    All those boxes of booze. I am sure that made packing easier. ❤️😂🥳

  4. Good luck - looks like a fun challenge!

  5. Congrats on the (2) wide open spaces! And it's a process, not a race, so it is perfectly OK that it's Going to Take a While. All worth it when the space starts functioning as intended.

  6. I'd love to have some sewing rooms that size. Have fun setting everything up.

  7. Hello? I saw a post by you another place linking me back to here. Glad to find you..

    I have recently inherited my Oma's Atlas pink all metal sewing machine. It is over 65 years old!

    I sewed my first project last night and made some beautiful pillows and curtains for some sweet little girls that are daughters of very good friends of mine!

    It works like a champ and no issues whatsoever

    The other place that I found you that linked me back here you made a comment that you have an old manual for this that you scanned

    I would so appreciate it if there is a way you could send me that because my husband is adamant on me having a manual and he wants to service the machine...

    Please help if you can I would be ever so grateful??

    Missy at jcfreesu@gmail.com

  8. I know your pain. My husband built me a studio building. Because I was workin FTime 70 miles away and only home 6-8 days a month. Mine looks exactly like that for the last 12 months. This is my first month of retirement. Deeep cleaning the house and then out to the studio.

  9. Wow looks crazy! We are just settling after a move ourselves. We relocated from AZ to TX. It's been a wild few months and we are still in boxes and chaos too. I am in active search for a good treadle machine. I have good irons but the table was adapted to something else (huge pet peeve of mine as I feverishly search for a machine). I could probably bring it back to its original function but it will take some work.


I want to hear from all of you who want to talk about sewing and sewing machines!