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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

NC TOGA day one

 Today was the first day of the North Carolina toga.  today was devoted to working on machines.

Susan lead a beginning repair class. 

Here's Linda with the singer 12 she bought from me.  I think the photo captures her look of adoration very well.

Four of us brought Davis vertical feeds to work on.  this machine belongs to kitty and has the best Davis decals I have ever seen. Somehow I failed to get a picture of Kitty.

Gay Sharon had a gorgeous small handcrank machine. Another photo I missed.

  Here's Maria Dremel ing away.

And Melissa doing the same.

I sat next to Carolyn and we both worked on Davises.

Here are Ann and Linda intent on their machines.

Susan's grandson Wyatt was very helpful in carrying heavy objects in and out of the room.

I wrote this whole thing using the voice feature on my iPad. What a pain in the neck. never again.


  1. I so covet a Davis vertical feed, but I wonder if the fact that there are 4 of them here means that they are problematic. Not that it would make me covet it any less. Thanks for posting these pictures -- they give a little taste of what a TOGA like. Someday I hope to go to one. Oh, and I'd love to know what Gay Sharon's "gorgeous small handcrank machine" is!

  2. It looks like such a terrific time! Thanks for the photos and inspiration, wish I could be there, but it is a long way from Buffalo, NY!

  3. Oh, how I wish I could be there working along with you! But the timing and the distance conspire against me. One of these days......

    I know you will all have a wonderful, wonderful time!

  4. What a lot of beautiful machines!

  5. Looks like a great group! Hope you are all still having fun!


I want to hear from all of you who want to talk about sewing and sewing machines!