Sunday, May 19, 2024

Singer 66, barn fresh. For sale at NC TOGA


"Barn Fresh" is antique sewing machine slang for a machine covered in dust and cobwebs, possibly rusty and possibly including mouse droppings. This machine had lots of dust and cobwebs, a bit of rust, but no mouse droppings.  I removed much of the dust and cobwebs and you should be able to see the little bit of rust in the photos.

 The Singer 66 is a straight stitch,  low shank machine and is treadleable.  It needs to be in a cabinet (like a treadle cabinet for instance) or a case in order to function.  No case or other accessories are included.

The slide plate is missing but can easily be found online.  At the time of publication $10 would get you one.


The filigree decals are worn away in the usual place where fabric moves across the bed when sewing.  Just think about how much sewing this machine has seen!  And the paint is chipped in places, especially along the edge.  A Sharpie paint  pen (not a regular Sharpie) could touch this up.


I risked life and limb and plugged the funky wiring in.  And the light came on and the motor runs!  The belt is loose so it didn't actually run the machine but I turned it by hand and it operates fairly smoothly.  If you want this for a treadle you will be removing the motor anyway so the cracked belt and funky wiring will be irrelevant. 

Is something missing from the bobbin winder?  Looks like it but I didn't check it out.  The bobbin winder does turn when in position against the hand wheel.

It has a pretty nose plate that should polish up nicely.

 So if you are not too picky about appearance, are willing to do a bit of work, and need a treadle head at a supremely affordable price, this could be the machine for you.

* * * * * * * * * * 

Here's how this works:  I  create a blog post for each machine and describe what I know about it in detail, pros and cons.  Once I have all the machines up on this blog I will post a price list at the NC TOGA Facebook page.  If you are attending the TOGA and are seriously interested let me know and I will bring it.  "Seriously interested" means that you plan to buy it IF you like what you see in person.  Absolutely NO obligation in advance and I won't take any money in advance.  

Cash or PayPal.  I don't use any other payment apps.  Hey, I'm an old lady.  Can't be learning new apps all the time.

Once the price list is up you can call dibs on any machine and I will make sure you get to see it and decide if you want it before anyone else can buy it.

This approach has worked very well in the past.  Just please don't ask me to haul 40+ pounds of cast iron if all you want to do is ogle it.  Serious interest only please.

Some of these machines will have been serviced and some will not so read the descriptions carefully.  It is not my usual practice to sell machines that I have not serviced first.  But I really need to downsize the herd and TOGA is almost here.  Many TOGAteers are experienced antique sewing machine mechanics themselves.  They will also be glad to provide advice to others about whether a machine is a good choice for a newbie.  



  1. Hi. I bought a machine from you ages ago, but I've misplaced your contact info. I am wondering if you, or anyone you know, would be available to teach me (paid, of course) to use the singer buttonhole attachment. It is driving me batty.

    1. Hi Stevi. I emailed you. Please leave another post here if you don't get it. I'll be glad to help.

    2. I haven't received anything. Wondering if we used an old email I don't have access to. Do you also have my last name (K*) ? If so, current email is first.last at Gmail

    3. I did have that email address and I wrote to you there. I hope you have received it. If not let me know here and I will scratch my head and try to figure out a way to trade contact information without leaving it for the whole world to see!


I want to hear from all of you who want to talk about sewing and sewing machines!