Saturday, May 25, 2024

Singer 99K in grasscloth case. For sale at NC TOGA



NC TOGA is coming up in June.  If you don't know what that is I'll be describing it in a future post.  One of the things it is, is a swap meet.  I have some machines for sale, including two Singer 99s.

Here's a 1956 3/4 size Singer 99K straight stitch machine.  It has a working motor and light and makes a nice stitch. 


The case not nearly as pretty as the machine but it is sturdy.

While going through the hoard I "repaired" (not really repaired) another grasscloth case by using tacky glue to glue the loose grasscloth down.  I decided not to do that to this one because:

What we have here is a case that would be easy to upgrade by simply removing the old grasscloth and glueing on a prettier fabric.  After all, the grasscloth is doing its best to leave the case now.  It would tear off fairly easily.



The paint does have some chips.


I plugged this in and took a few stitches.  My notes indicate that I didn't service it when I bought it.  It moves smoothly and makes nice stitches.


I don't know the "real" name for this style of motor controller but I call it "gas pedal".  



 There is electrical tape on the cord near the controller. 


It  has an original Singer motor.  I don't have a paper copy of the manual but I can email the buyer a PDF.


This machine is easy to convert to hand crank by removing the motor and hand wheel, replacing the hand wheel with a spoked wheel and adding a hand crank.  Yes it really is easy and I have written a tutorial for it.  

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Here's how this works:  I  create a blog post for each machine and describe what I know about it in detail, pros and cons.  Once I have all the machines up on this blog I will post a price list at the NC TOGA Facebook page.  If you are attending the TOGA and are seriously interested let me know and I will bring it.  "Seriously interested" means that you plan to buy it IF you like what you see in person.  Absolutely NO obligation in advance and I won't take any money in advance.  

Cash or PayPal.  I don't use any other payment apps.  Hey, I'm an old lady.  Can't be learning new apps all the time.

Once the price list is up you can call dibs on any machine and I will make sure you get to see it and decide if you want it before anyone else can buy it.

This approach has worked very well in the past.  Just please don't ask me to haul 40+ pounds of cast iron across North Carolina if all you want to do is ogle it.  Serious interest only please.

Some of these machines will have been serviced and some will not so read the descriptions carefully.  It is not my usual practice to sell machines that I have not serviced first.  But I really need to downsize the herd and TOGA is almost here.  Many TOGAteers are experienced antique sewing machine mechanics themselves.  They will also be glad to provide advice to others about whether a machine is a good choice for a newbie. 


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